Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Times

First of all I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, I know my family stuck to tradition and stayed up, waiting for the clock to strike twelve o'clock and announce it was Christmas. That was also the time where we give and receive presents because we may, or may not, have been good this year. 

Throughout this year, whenever I went out, I would always point something out, whoever I was with, and say, "Oooh! I want that!" and naturally after a week or so, if somebody brought it up, I would deny everything. And if I get insisted to pick something, I get really picky and indecisive, and I don't like being those things purely because it is a huge waste of time. Yep. I am a difficult person to shop for. More often than not, I have no idea what I want or need for Christmas, or even birthdays for that matter, which is why I simply try to keep my mouth shut. And more often than not, I just agree to suggestions that get thrown around so that I don't cause too much trouble for anyone. 

Honestly, I don't like people going out of their way to get me presents. Don't get me wrong, I love getting presents! It's just that I feel like they would be wasting their time because of me. This might not be the same views for different people but that's mine. I prefer gestures or actions that somehow portray a special meaning. I believe that those are the gifts that are the most special and most meaningful because they're not material things that are used and then thrown away later on, but are memories that a person has from their relative or friends or whoever they are receiving from. 

Personally, I am a hugger. I love hugs! I just love them because it's the same thing every single time but at the same time it isn't. It's always different even if you are hugging the same person - it varies and that's what is so appealing to me. Plus it is a huge gesture of affection and comfort and sometimes a hug from someone is the difference between a good and bad day. 

So Word of Advice: Don't fully rely on material things to make you happy. Look beyond that, even if it means going back to basics, and really see what makes you, or somebody special to you, happy.

As always, take care and be safe, especially this holiday season.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Pressure's On

I don't work well under certain types of pressure. 
If it's something like not feeling prepared for a test then I try to hide it and come off cool as a cucumber so I don't add the pressure for other people.  
Pressures from people that expect things from you annoy me because with school, family, job and personal life, there's too much pressure for one 17-year-old girl to undertake. 

Thought I'd chuck this is for fun
Image from

Word of Advice: There are times where one just shut off physically and mentally in order to fully regain consciousness of their surroundings.

If it's public speaking or doing something in front of people, then my body goes into this mode where it shakes non-stop and I don't mean shake like what you would do in a club (#twerking). It's gotten better in the last few years because beforehand my face used to go RED - like a tomato - in addition to the shaking. It was so bad one time that I almost started crying. I've learned to calm down since, to the point where I don't go red anymore however the shakes are still there. 

So today I went to an event at another school and they had planned out a few activities to break the ice as there were many schools present.  
This first was SIGNS, a game foreign to me and most people in the room, but the host school taught us how to play. 
Essentially, we got broken into two groups, which was around 25 to 30 people each group. Each person in the group had a sign or a hand gesture or action that was unique to the rest of us. Mine, naturally, was the District 12 sign from The Hunger Games (three fingers in the air). Once we went around the group showing our gestures the game started. There's a person in the middle who has to cover their eyes at first. Another person in the circle had to do their own sign and then somebody else's sign to 'pass the ball'. The aim of the game was to keep the person in the middle there for as long as possible. The only way the person in the middle (who didn't have their eyes closed anymore) can 'get out' was to catch people in the middle of doing the signs by asking "Is it you?"
It makes sense if you actually play it.

Let me tell you, I do not do well in this type of pressure. The 'ball' got passed to me quite a number of times (probably because of my very cool sign) but a couple of times I cracked and my hands started to spasm and I started to shake. However I did really well in the middle of the circle, catching the people who had the 'ball' quickly.

Since the moment the 'ball' got passed to me, I could not stop shaking and I tried playing it off but inside I was petrified I'll have an anxiety attack. It's been a while since my last one but I never know when it's gonna surprise me.

Other than that, it was fine! We had a great time and I hope there will be another one soon.

So that's story time for today. Hope you had a good read.
Take care and be safe.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

So Subtle

Admit it. You've accidentally stumbled over something and tried to play it off as nothing only to find out that the person behind you saw the whole thing. Or if you're lucky, there was no one behind you BUT you see someone far away or somebody in their car laughing at you. Moral of the story is that there is always someone watching your every move. Think you're alone?

You're never alone.

Just kidding!
Or am I?

I am a clumsy person. Not overly clumsy where I trip over every little rock on the ground but clumsy enough to make a scene. It has its ups and downs and, being the shy person I am, it was mostly downs for me. 

One summer day, when I was 14 or 15, I fell over a total of four times throughout the day. It really was an unforgettable day.

  1. The first fall was on the way school. There was a branch on the footpath and good old me thought that I could simply step over it. I thought wrong.
  2. First is the worst and second's the best? No. I was running up the stairs (I think you know where this is going) and I accidentally tried to take two steps instead of one like a normal person and earned myself a pretty neat bruise. It was light green then turned into a mean purple. 
  3. I was in the bus for this third one, sitting on my knees because I was talking to my friend behind me. The bus went around the round-about and I lost my balance and fell... On a really cute guy's leg... Yep, brownie points for me. Well at least I got his number. Third time is really a charm.
  4. And finally, I was crossing the road, in front of many, many cars, might I add. I was so close, SO CLOSE to making it. But no. As I stepped off the road, I lose my balance and fall. In front of everyone. 
As I said, I will never forget that day and the fact that I was wearing my hideous uniform only made it worse.

Like always, thanks for reading! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Do You Even Lift?

I just remembered that earlier today a couple of my friends were flexing their biceps. Obviously I joined in and showed off my guns (eh?). 
Another one of my friends, who was behind me, asked, "Do you even lift?"

HAHA! Although I like being active, I do not, I repeat, do not lift. 
I just do push ups and tricep dips whenever I can because their quick and easy (yeah they are) and you can do them anywhere. 

Word of Advice: If you have no idea how to respond to this particular question, refer to BroScienceLife on YouTube. He has a video dedicated to this question. 

Thanks for reading, as always and take care!

School's Out

Yay! School finished for the year! I can't even begin to express my joy right now. This entire year has been jam packed with so many events that I barely kept up with any of it. I am just SO glad it's over. 

Today was the last day of the year, which started off with an Extension Maths test. Sucks to be me, right? Well I didn't think it was that bad, granted that my teacher was very lenient on when the test was going to be and made sure we had enough time to prepare for it. Technically it was supposed to be last Friday but we had a Presentation Ceremony at a fancy auditorium that lasted the entire day. However a few people in my class have planned to go overseas and had to do it on the Friday so it ended up being that we had a choice for when we wanted to turn up; Friday or Monday.
Naturally I chose the Monday, along with most of my class, because we wanted to postpone it as much as possible - yes, a bad habit, I know!
So we did the test, which was around an hour and twenty minutes or so, and we missed out on clean-up (since it was the last day, we had to clean everything). Damn! We were all so sad, terribly sad, that we missed out! We've been waiting for this for a whole year!

What sucked though was that my year group gave our year coordinator an owl onesie and I missed it because of the test! Thankfully everyone had photos and it was hilarious! It was great! 

Word of Advice: If you have an awesome year coordinator like I do, or just a great teacher in general, I suggest giving a onesie as a Christmas prezzie.

I guess that's it. Thanks for reading, be safe and take care!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Tell me the truth!

In my circle of friends, I am typically known as the one that doesn't beat around the bush, the straight-forward one, the one that likes to tell things straight to people's faces before talking behind anyone's backs. I'm also the inappropriate one and the corrupted mind in the group but that's another story.

The thing that has been baffling me recently is back-stabbing. No, not literally, geez. What are you thinking? What I mean is when people say things, mostly nasty things, about a certain someone without that certain someone knowing. Yes I have done it before but that was before I knew the perks of actually saying it to their faces, regardless if they're your friend or not. 

I guess the security of talking behind someone's back brings comfort to some and, I guess to an extent, power to others. What I don't understand is how people gain satisfaction from gossiping about another person. Personally, I am oblivious to a lot of things and when I do notice that somebody is obviously talking about me, I ask myself 'Why?' Even when I did talk behind people's backs the way I did, looking back, I never understood why I ever did any of it. 

So when I started actually saying my thoughts on people out loud to the people themselves, I felt like weight has been lifted off my shoulders.I didn't need to keep anything a secret that may or may  not come back and bite me in the future. Despite the mixed responses I received at first, I soon gained respect as well as trust, especially from the people closest to me. Pretty soon it just became habit. Granted that I don't always say what people want to hear, but at least I wasn't lying or bending the truth and to me, that is an achievement since nowadays we are almost always compelled to lie to get out of trouble.

"I didn't do it!"
"I'm just sleeping over at (insert name here)."
"I just cleaned my room."

These are obviously not the things one would say behind someone's back, more so answers that have been predetermined by the questioner but you get the drift. Lying is bad.

Any-who, thanks for reading and take care.

Friday, December 13, 2013


This word has gone viral over the past year or so. So viral that it even has it own spot in the Oxford dictionary, along with 'twerk' and 'vom'. Honestly, these words crack me up. I admit that I am guilty of using these words but when somebody uses it excessively or in the wrong context, I can't help but laugh. But then again, I laugh at almost anything. 
Selfies have been so popular that the 'duck face' was developed and continually criticized upon. 

For me personally, I think duck faces are great. Why?
Because, if done successfully, the viewer will most probably like the photo, in turn making the poster happy as we have become greedy about getting likes. However, if done unsuccessfully, well, I just have a laughing session and get on with my uneventful life. 

Instagram has also, in my opinion, increased the number of selfies taken a day.
Think about it. A social media platform that designed specifically for sharing photos online. Does that not invite people to grace everyone with duck faces? Great! If it were hunting season. Actually I don't even know if they hunt ducks at hunting season. Do they? Or maybe the name is something a little bit more specific. Duck-hunting season? I don't know. 

But in all honesty, I have nothing against selfies. In fact I probably take a few selfies a day myself, although I delete them off my phone so that when people do look through my album, they won't see derps with countless chins and huge nose holes, otherwise they might think I'm conceited and narcissistic. But that's just me.

Thanks for reading!